U.S. Figure Skating
After Aspire, Cool Sports figure skaters bridge into the U.S. Figure Skating testing structure. Skaters at this level often take private lessons with a dedicated coach and practice during freestyle sessions.
Advanced-level skaters are required to purchase Freestyle Sessions (FS) when needing to work on jumps, spins or perform program run-throughs. FS sessions skaters are required to be members in good standing with either US Figure Skating, Ice Skating Institute, USA Hockey or Learn to Skate USA.
Please note that Advanced figure skaters are not allowed to perform skating jumps during public skate times.
Guest skaters and coaches are welcomed to skate at Cool Sports. Skaters will need to have a copy of their USFS, ISI or USA Hockey membership card, which can be kept on file.
Guest coaches will need to be compliant with US Figure Skating (or ISI) and have a copy of their liability insurance with them, naming Cool Sports as additionally insured. A $25 daily coaching fee will be charged to guest coaches and $15 for Ice Chalet coaches for lessons taught at Cool Sports.
Questions? Contact our Assistant General Manager at [email protected] or 865.218.4500 x226.

figure skating levels
U.S. Figure Skating Testing Levels
During the Aspire program, skaters often begin working toward their first US Figure Skating tests in Moves in the Field. Moves in the Field includes a series of tests in skating skills consisting of turns, edges, spirals, and more that get progressively more difficult. Prior to testing, skaters need to become a member of US Figure Skating or the skating club.
After completing their first Moves in the Field test, skaters should also begin thinking about the different disciplines in which they may want to test and compete. Options include Free Skate, Ice Dance, or Pairs. Skaters must pass the corresponding Moves in the Field test prior to testing free skating or pairs tests.
Once a skater tests their last U.S. Figure Skating test in a specific discipline (for example, Senior level in Moves in the Field), they earn the title of U.S. Figure Skating Gold Medalist, a huge honor.
There are specific levels designated for adults age 21 and older, but adults may also choose to test and compete at standard levels. Learn more about adult testing here.
Moves in the field and free skating
- Pre-preliminary
- Preliminary
- Pre-juvenile
- Juvenile
- Intermediate
- Novice
- Junior
- Senior
Pattern dance (solo or partnered)
- Preliminary
- Pre-bronze
- Bronze
- Pre-silver
- Silver
- Pre-gold
- Gold
- International
Free dance and solo free dance
- Juvenile
- Intermediate
- Novice
- Junior
- Senior
- Pre-juvenile
- Juvenile
- Intermediate
- Novice
- Junior
- Senior
- Punch Passes are available: 10 punch – $85, 20 punch – $155, 30 punch – $215, 40 punch – $305, 50 punch – $305
- ALL sessions MUST be reserved and paid in advance ONLINE.
- Walk-in skaters will be allowed if space allows. The walk-in fee is $15.
- You can and are encouraged to reserve a week worth of sessions at a time. However, keep in mind, NO REFUNDS AND NO CHANGING SESSIONS.
- Freestyle Sessions are limited to 26 skaters.
- If sessions fill up we will add additional sessions as needed.
- Coaches Fee reminder.
- Cool Sports Coach $6 per day or $150 per month
- Ice Chalet Coach $15 day
- Guest Coach $25 day
- All patrons must follow the Cool Sports guidelines.
- Follow the flow pattern set out throughout the facility.
- Patrons must ALWAYS stop at the front desk.
- Warm-ups can be done in the facility, but MUST maintain the social distance.
- Only Cool Sports Coaching Staff allowed in the coaches room, all others must use the chairs by the ice surface.
- Vests still need to be used while running programs, they will be washed every day.
Wait! Important information to know before attending a session.
- You MUST be a member in good standing with either USFS or ISI or USA Hockey or LTS USA. Membership cards are required for first time & visiting FS session skaters.
- You have read the Cool Sports Ice Etiquette page.
- You have either had a private lesson with a Cool Sports’ skating instructor during a FS session or are familiar with traditional FS session flow & safety requirements.
- FS Sessions MUST be pre-purchased before skating and all skaters are REQUIRED to sign-in at the front desk. Any skater failing to complete both of these tasks will be asked to exit the ice.